Homes for Women
Women who join our program stay for a six month period. We have had over 200 women come through our homes in the 8 years we have been in existence and we presently have an 87% success rate.

Restoration Through Christ
Bowie County Women’s Center in Texarkana houses over 100 women who have found themselves in the midst of legal issues due to their drug and alcohol addiction. Haven Homes transitions women from the center back into the community through meaningful connections, purpose, and a Christ-first recovery program.
Restoration Through Christ
We have had over 170 women come through our homes. These are women living healthy, whole lives, restored to their families, their children and most importantly their God. They are productive citizens in the communities they are living in.

Isaiah 31:18
My people will dwell in a
peaceful habitation.
In secure dwellings, and in
quiet resting places.