A calling to help the community
Seven years ago we felt called to open a home for women graduating from Bowie County Women’s Center. BCWC is located in Texarkana and houses 100 women who have found themselves in the midst of legal issues due to theirdrug and alcohol. In June of 2013 we began this venture, and by December of 2013 Haven Homes had a Board of Directors, we had our 501(C)3, and a home fully furnished by the most amazing people.
With all of the donations we received, we only had to purchase a refrigerator for our first home and we were able to completely furnish our second home we opened in January of 2015. As of today we can house 15 women, who stay with us for a six month period. We have had over 250 women come through our homes in the 9 years we have been in existence and we presently have an 87% success rate.

Graduating to Something Bigger
Fast forward four years and the men in Celebrate Recovery approached me with how desperately we needed a home for men. So for two years I prayed and kept waiting for God to raise up some men to undertake this vision. In September of 2020, our first three men graduated from our 12 month program. Since opening our doors in September of 2019 we have had over 200 men walk through our doors. Every week our men and women are working in our community doing community service projects and participating in various outreach programs.
We have found great favor within our court system which now recommends individuals to our program. This gives men the opportunity to come to a safe environment to work on their issues without having to do this in a state jail or prison setting.
New Ventures for the Future
Haven Homes is expanding again! This expansion will be our Haven Home for Women.
These women need a safe place to recover from their addiction to alcohol and drugs. These women will come to us out of jail, prison, off the streets and those simply looking for a safe place to recover. I get calls almost daily from loved ones who are looking for a place for their friend, daughter, grand daughter or acquaintance to recover. There is a huge need in our area for a safe place for these women to recover. If you would like to help us financially see this vision come to fruition please go to our website and make a generous donation. We are so grateful to everyone who has sown into this ministry from the inception. Lives are being changed for eternity and you are a part of our ever growing Haven family who has helped us every step of the way.
We are forever grateful! Our goal is to have our Haven Home for Women open by the Summer of 2023.
With your help this is possible!
As we continue to grow we are in desperate need of funding for more staff and daily operation needs. If you feel led to sow into our ministry we would be overjoyed to have you on our team of supporters for this incredible mission and vision that lies ahead of us and continues to grow exponentially.
We're looking forward to many amazing stories of lives restored and families reunited in the months and years to come.

Our Executive Team
Our Executive Team leads the daily operations and helps move the Haven Homes mission forward through our Christ-first programs for men and women.

Jeni Eldridge
Executive Director

Stacy Smallwood
Dir of Transition for Women & HH Resale Mgr

Lissa Freeman
Director - HH for Women

Terence Fulce
Social Services Director - HH for Men
Board Members
Our Board Members make this all possible through community support, strategy, and fund raising.

Derric McFarland
Board Member

Joe Hackleman
Board Member

Trey Patterson
Board Member

Rae Thigpen
Board Member

Natalie Voureene
Board Member

Pat Craven
Board Member

Larry Bunn
Board Member